Standing Barbell Calf Raise

Equipment: Barbell

Standing Barbell Calf Raise


Standing Calf Raises are a simple exercise that targets the muscles of the lower legs. To perform this exercise, you will need a barbell and a raised platform or a block.

  • Place the barbell on your upper back and hold it with your hands. Make sure the bar is balanced and secure.
  • Stand on the edge of the platform or block with your heels hanging off. This is your starting position.
  • Slowly lower your heels until you feel a stretch in your calves. Keep your legs straight and your core tight.
  • Then, push through the balls of your feet and raise your heels as high as you can. Squeeze your calves at the top of the movement.
  • Pause for a second and then repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Primary Muscles

  • Gastrocnemius

Synergistic Muscles

  • Soleus