Leg Press Horizontal

Equipment: Machine

Leg Press Horizontal


The leg press horizontal is a machine exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Here are the steps to perform it correctly:

  1. Sit on the machine and place your feet on the platform, shoulder-width apart.
  2. Adjust the seat and the safety pins so that your knees are slightly bent at the starting position.
  3. Push the platform away from you by extending your legs and lock the safety pins.
  4. Slowly lower the platform until your knees form a 90-degree angle, keeping your feet flat and your back pressed against the seat.
  5. Push the platform back to the starting position by extending your legs, but do not lock your knees at the top.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Primary Muscles

  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Quadriceps

Synergistic Muscles

  • Adductor Magnus
  • Soleus